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A Useful Checklist to Get the Downward Dog Position Right

A Useful Checklist to Get the Downward Dog Position Right

Reaading Time: 3 minutes


If you are looking to form that perfect triangle with your body, you have come to the right place. Here is a mini-guide to help you get the Downward Dog position right once and for all!

The downward Dog position has got to be one of the most famous and recognized yoga poses among yogis. In certain flowing yoga styles such as Ashtanga and Vinyasa, the Downward Dog is used as a transitioning pose between seated and standing postures. If you are looking to form that perfect triangle with your body, you have come to the right place!

Getting the alignment right for this particular position is not only vital for your body but it may also help you fall in love with the pose! Before we get to the checklist to help you get the the Downward Dog position right while you remain in the comfort of your home, here are some things you need to know about this truly incredible pose:

Why Is the Downward Dog Position So Important?

Following are some of the reasons why regularly practicing the Downward Dog position is extremely important:

  • It is proved to be highly therapeutic for asthma, sinusitis, flat feet, sciatica and blood pressure.
  • It helps stretch the arches, hamstrings, shoulders, calves and hands
  • It works as an energy booster
  • It helps relieve mild depression and stress, and also calms the brain
  • It is known to alleviate menopause symptoms
  • It might help improve digestion and prevent osteoporosis
  • Lastly, it helps relieve fatigue, back pain, insomnia and headache

What Are the Benefits of the Downward Dog Position?

    Following are some of the incredible benefits of the Downward Dog Position:

    • It helps strengthen the back and stretch the spine
    • It promotes blood flow to the brain
    • It strengthens shoulders and arms
    • It lengthens the calves and hamstrings
    • It tones the waist and core

    What Muscles Does Download Dog Position Work?

    Practicing the Downward Dog positions is both an arm strengthening and inversion exercise. This pose helps us fully stretch the back of our legs that include calf muscles and hamstrings. Moreover, it also helps stretch the shoulders, flex the hips and straighten the knees. The muscles that cross at the back of our knees and those that cross the ankles known as gastrocnemius and soleus respectively are stretched during the Downward Dog pose. The spine also receives a full extension when we arch our lower back at the end of the pose.


    Here is a simple and extremely useful checklist to help you get the Downward Dog position right:

    • Do not simply collapse all the weight into your bones, instead try to engage your arms, hands and even your fingers!
    • Make sure to create ample space around your shoulders. Let them drift apart naturally and gently relax your neck by moving it in soft circles.
    • While warming up, don’t try to instantly form the perfect pose. Stretch the calves and hamstrings by slowly alternating between both.
    • Don’t stress yourself over heels off the ground and bent knees. Remember, practice makes a man perfect. As long as you are feeling the stretch, it’s all good.
    • Bring your bum as high in the air and your face as close to the groundas possible.
    • Once you start to feel some stretch in your shoulders, try to straighten your knees and bring your heels towards the ground. Don’t forget, slow and steady wins the race.
    • At this point, you can either close your eyes or stare at your belly buttonto remain focused.
    • Breathe!As much as yoga is about moving, it is also about breathing.

    Final Thoughts

    We hope that with all the aforementioned information about the Downward Dog posture, you foung something worth your while. Once you are done following the given checklist, try to enjoy yourself! The Downward Dog or any other yoga position doesn’t have to painful. If you experience any sort of discomfort, don’t be afraid to explore other options. Remember to be kind to your body and yourself!

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